Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'm a believer

I have faith. My faith comes from inside me. It is a strong faith, a living faith, a colorful faith. It is my faith. My faith contains truth, beauty, and goodness. It is true because it is faithful. It is beautiful because of its faithfulness. It is good because it is faith.

I believe. I believe in myself, and in my faith. I believe that my faith is worth believing in. My belief does not come from me, but it comes from my faith. It is a faithful belief, because when I believe in my faith, my belief acquires faithfulness. I am a believer.

I trust in my beliefs. I trust that my beliefs are faithful, and that my faith is trustworthy. I have a trust that springs from my faith and my beliefs, and ties them together. When I trust, it gives me belief, and causes me to have faith. I believe in a faithful trust, my trust. But over and above all this is my faith.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wisdom From Experience

The Ten Most Important Things I've Learned:
  • The difference between a good meal and a great meal is food
  • Most of the people you meet have no idea how tall you are
  • Time cures all memories
  • People care more about what's inside your house than what's outside
  • If someone asks you for a dollar, take it
  • There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but there's only so much room in your boat
  • If you can finish someone's sentences, you can start them as well
  • Don't forget the mortgage
  • No matter how much effort you put into something, it will fail
  • A man who has taken a bath is a man worth listening to